Content Marketing / Guest Posting

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Want More Visits from Search Results? We Can Help!

Looking to get published and featured your website in popular blogs and publications? We are here to help you get your business website featured and published in popular blogs to gain in-content links! All process is done manually.

Pixelsols Guest Posting.

Link building is very important part of any SEO strategy. To get better ranking in search results and driving traffic and conversions, quality links matter a lot. While there are various types of link building strategies, but guest blog posting stands to be one of the most impactful techniques.

If you have a valuable piece of content, but don’t know how to find the right place to publish it? If so, you may want to consider guest blogging.Then PixelSols is an effective way to get published your article on quality blog sites.

Our process is totally organic. We do all the process manually from reaching out to the content publishing sites to add in-content links. We secure the best placement for publishing your article so that your website can get quality organic traffic.

What we are offering:

  • Responsive, Clean, and Modern Web Design
  • Redesign, Clone, Duplicate, Customize, or Revamp Website
  • On Page SEO Optimized, Fast Loading & Fully Secured
  • Ecommerce Functionality Enabled
  • Payment gateway setup (WooCommerce Supported)
  • Modern Animations, Transitions

Why should you choose me:

=> Quality work and Fast Delivery
=> 24/7 available & qualified communication
=> Extensive revisions till your satisfaction
=> Free Support after Order Completion
=> Provide Free Instruction Video

Quality Content Posts

We always focus on quality of content. All guest blog post content is written by a professional writers.

Skyrocket Organic Traffic

Our quality backlinks building process helps you get more organic traffic and improve search rankings.

Order Form

To hire us for your project, simply fill the form below with accurate information and click on Place Order.

Our Approach. (Chat with us to discuss your project )

Premium Quality Content

We’ll discuss website Whether it’s publisher or producer, we always focus on quality of content. Guest blog posts are written by the professional writers. We only publish Guest Posts on high quality sites.

Next Tech Connections

We do deep research on relevent niche site finding. We focus on building a future strategy so that your site keep getting long tern traffic from the published guest blog post.

Fast & Secure Delivery

We’re committed to get published single placement within 15 days. Most of the time last in relevent niche site researh. Once that done, we proceed further get published your blog post.

In-Content Powerful Backlinks

We add In-Content Powerful Backlinks to get quality backlinks and more organic traffic. Quality backlinks are so powerful to drive organic traffic for conversion and sales.

100% Manual Process

We do not use any automated system for publishing articles or building backlinks. From content creation to publishing, all the process is done manually. We care about quality.

Clear Reporting

When the guest blog posting is done, a plain English report outlining the work completed with links and overview of vital metrics like DA and DR will be shared with you.

High Domain Authority

We publish guest blog posts on high authority domains so your website receive a high quality back links.

High Monthly Traffic

We also consider high monthly traffic websites for guest posts so that your site also get organic visitors.

High Alexa Rank

We check the alexa rank along with other matrics to get the core info about the authenticity of the website.

We offer clients two options as the base for our guest posting service, Domain Authority and Publisher’s Monthly Estimated Traffic.

Domain Authority: DA metric is introduced by Moz, through which the strength and authority of a website is determined. It’s based on a scale of 0-100 (100 is the strongest). With this option, a guest post placement is guaranteed with an in-content link from a website with domain authority range you select (20 to 80+).

Monthly Traffic: Monthly Traffic is determined with SimilarWeb. It’s estimated monthly traffic of a given blog/publication. With this option, a guest post placement is guaranteed with an in-content link from a website that has monthly traffic you select (10K to 1M).


Content marketing is a marketing technique of creating and distributing valuable, relevant and consistent content to attract and acquire a clearly defined audience – with the objective of driving profitable customer action.

So we have designed this service to build quality links for your website from other blogs and publications. Each guest post/article placement will include a relevant, in-content link back to your website.

Moz introduced a metric called Domain Authority, which determines the authority and strength of the website. It’s based on a scale of 0-100 (100 is the strongest).

Although it’s not an official identifier of how strong the website is, we use it to measure the authority of the site. We also happily use Ahrefs’ DR (Domain Rating).

Publisher’s Traffic refer to the estimated monthly traffic of the blog/publication. Please  notice that it isn’t the traffic your website will receive from the guest post.

We use SimilarWeb to determine estimated monthly traffic of a given blog/publication. If you select “Publisher’s Traffic” as a criterion for your guest post, we’ll guarantee a guest post placement on a website that has monthly traffic you select (10,000 to 1M+).

Our average turnaround time is consist of 15-20 business days to get 1-3 articles published. If you’re purchasing more than 3 articles, it will depend on the chosen qualifier and DA/Traffic level.

As our approach is based on manual, organic outreach, we can’t offer an option to choose the website(s) your guest post will get published on. We hand-pick websites that are relevant to your niche and then proceed to the outreach. We do not purchase placements, hence can’t offer specific website placements.

First, we start by analysing your niche and target audience. This is followed by manual prospecting and outreach. When placements are secured, we’ll produce and publish the content with in-content links back to your website.

We are the only guest posting service provider to offer placements on websites that are Domain Authority 80+ and have monthly Traffic of 1M+.

We’re a team of highly experienced SEOs and Content Marketers with 1,000s of high-quality placements in our portfolio. Many other providers offer links – we offer our expertise and quality content.

There’re many low-quality, spammy providers that abuse the system by publishing your content wherever the links are allowed. This is not what we do.

We do not use PBNs in our outreach.

Unfortunately, we do not allow approving or editing the articles. However, we’re happy to send you the content for your own record. This is because we use an individual approach when outreaching websites for placements, meaning that an article will never be about your brand/company. Articles are written for educational purpose where links to your website fit in naturally. Editing content or links can jeopardise this. Nevertheless, we can reassure you that our content is of very high quality.

Search engines (e.g. Google and Bing) use these links as signals when their algorithms determine where to rank a website. Generally speaking, the more quality links a page has, the higher it will show up in search results.

We do not accept over-promotional keywords (e.g. “Buy Mercedes in Berlin”) – these are way too intrusive and are likely to be rejected by the editor. Although we do provide an option to insert your preferred anchor text, we may have to change it if necessary. Make sure to vary your anchor text and diversify your target pages.

Google has changed the way they treat NoFollow links. In the past, NoFollow links were thought not to pass any link value, however, Google has officially announced the change. 

Whether the link is NoFollow or DoFollow will depend on the site’s guidelines. We focus on producing quality content and securing top-tier placements. Our goal is to provide value, strengthen your brand, increase your reach and get your website noticed. Guest Blogging should never be done solely for link-building.

We aim to include at least 1 natural, in-content link back to your website (not bio link). However, we usually manage to gain 2 or more links from a single piece of content. Make sure to vary your anchor text and diversify your target pages.
Unfortunately, we don’t work with websites in the following niches: gambling, dating, adult, pharmacy, firearms or anything illegal/unethical.
A standard article is roughly 800 words (included with every placement). However, you can choose a different length (extra fees apply). In fact, if you’re ordering more than 3 articles, we’ would suggest mixing up the length.
No you can’t. Because we have to pay the money to the content publisher so it’s not possible for us to pay you back after publishing the guest posting.